Tuesday, August 30, 2011

In Chastity

Over the course of 10 weeks in Chicago I had put on 15 pounds. That's what eating out nearly every night and lots of drinking will do to you. Now that I'm back home I've been working out a lot and it feels great. Today I ran a little over 2 miles. Did a mile on the oliptical, did leg lifts and worked out my abs. I've been working out everyday since I've been home. However today's work out was a little different because.... I was wearing something on my cock.

The P.A. 5000 that I bought from LockedUpLove
Yes, it's chastity device and I love chastity play because it's so intense and fucks with your mind. I did make one mistake though. The size I got is a little big on me. I measured the way they told me to and I thought this size would be perfect especially since many chastity devices I've tried over the years have been too small on me. Even though it's a little large it still works for the time being because it works with a Prince Albert piercing and so it's locked on me through my hole.

I pierced my cock nearly 4 years ago with an 8 gauge and today I was able to stick a 4 gauge chastity ring through my hole with no problems. I could have put in a 6 or 8 gauge but I thought I would try the 4 gauge and it worked fine. The support at LockedUpLove has been fantastic. I contacted them about ordering another cage portion because I want to keep the one I have as it does work and it would be nice to have a back up cage. I ordered the 1 1/2 inch wide cage but I'm actually going to get the 1 inch cage from them as well. I would highly suggest ordering from LockedUpLove. They have other devices, great prices and free 2-3 day shipping on orders over $50.

At the moment I have the keys to the device I am in. However, I am sending the keys to my play partner in Chicago. She's going to hold them and it looks like she's coming to visit me in a couple weeks as well which is a great birthday present!!! She has already tossed out some fun-evil-exciting ideas about the whole chastity thing when I see her. So hopefully all works out and I will see her in a few weeks. I've been in the device since 10:30am east coast time. I also must say that I love this device for many other reasons.

1. You can't see it under clothes
2. There is NO ring around the balls so I don't have a chaffing problem
3. It's comfortable and I'm able to do active things like work out and play sports

The biggest negative with the size that I have on right now is that I can still get hard. However, that is on me for getting the larger device. Once I have a smaller cage I won't be able to get hard. With that said there is still no way that I can orgasm.... none at all.
Here are some pictures at different angles. The last one is with me in panties so that you can see that you can't even tell that I have a device on. If you have a P.A. piercing I highly suggest this device!

Earlier in the week I tried on some of my women's clothing that fits me when I'm a bit heavier. So I thought I would put on some of my shorts and see if it fit since I had put on some weight and they do fit. This picture has me wearing a Goodnites pull up underneath because I happened to be wearing one.
I also got some of my heels from my storage unit aka my sisters basement in Illinois. I re-organized my entire room and then took a picture of some of my heels organized in my closet.
It's funny if a random person walked into my closet they would probably think a female lived here. All my boy clothes are in my dresser drawers and my female things are in my closet. Lol.

Unfortunately I had to cancel NYC and the concert I was going to September 3rd because my friend lost his job and just can't afford to go and so I'm not going to a concert in NYC by myself. Oh, well. I'm a try and see Mos Def and Talib Qweli perform Blackstar in Cleveland later in September.
For Labor Day and my birthday I'm going to my Mom's house this weekend with Bobcat and his girlfriend. They are having a BBQ so it should be fun.


  1. Don't even think of unlocking yourself until you drop that nasty fat gurl. XO sexy, get thin again

  2. Well fat on me is different than most people. I can put on 15 pounds and no one notices except for myself because I'm tall and thin. Beyond that I can only wear it for so long due to work. I'm a fetish model and whenever I go to work which is about every 6 weeks I have to be out of the device. Other than that I plan to be using chastity play a lot more in the coming time.
