Monday, April 18, 2011

Internet Etiquette for Dumb People (Fetlife)

On sites such as Fetlife people need to understand that it is largely used for networking. People like myself love Fetlife because it makes my life that much easier. In general it is used for groups that want to get people out, it's a forum, a place to advertise for events, parties, personal ads, jobs and a place for kinky people to stay in touch with one another.

So, the #1 thing I hate is when people question certain people for having so many friends. If you assume that everyone is a friend collector then I have the right to assume that people with only a few friends are loners or that they aren't very kinky because their activity on the site is minimal. Is that fair of me to do, no and so I don't think like that.
Although, it is fair of me to question why your on a site like this and not taking full advantage of it. Why have a bunch of random pictures but not one picture of yourself? If your afraid to show your face show you could at least show a body part or just edit out your face.

On occasion I'll send a friend request and then not email them for a day or so because sometimes I don't have time to send a detailed email. I'm on the go a lot, like right now I only have 30 minutes in between classes while I'm sitting at the library. Maybe I enjoyed your page and wanted to bookmark you but since they don't have an option for that I sent you a friend request and then would email you as soon as I had more free time.
So, people who say I will delete you without an email when a friend request is sent is a bit bogus. Even still, go ahead and delete the friend request but don't send me an email talking shit. If you don't want to add someone don't but then don't go out of your way to talk shit and make assumptions about someone you don't know.

Here is the link to the profile on Fetlife of the person I had an encounter with today. Then below that is the email he sent me, the email I sent in return and then his response to my email.

His email to me after I sent him a friend request:
 You obviously didn't read my profile page before you sent your request, by not doing this or not following the friend instructions, you have been given an automatic NO!
You said in your own profile, "I'm well rounded, open minded, artsey, sporty, heavily tattooed, KINKY, at times androygenous and did I mention kinky" But you forgot to mention that you have no manners, show no respect to Dominants and that you act rudely. On top of that your sheer number of friends makes me think you collect them like badges, you can't possibly converse with each one on a regular basis. I only have a few because I want quality not quantity.
Do not contact me again

My response:
 If I have no manners then you jump to conclusions. Perhaps I just didn't have the time at that particular moment to send you an email and that I had intentions of doing so. I added you because I enjoyed many of your pictures which happen to be fiction. Websites like this usually entail added pictures of yourself, not random pictures of things that aren't you, in fact that may make me think negative things about you. However, I didn't jump to that conclusion.
I also didn't jump to the conclusion that your a loner because you have so few friends. I am not a friend collector, the reason I have so many friends is because people know who I am. In Chicago I am one of the most recognized people in the bdsm community and among cd's and sissies. Across the country and many in other countries people know me from my work in bdsm films. I also upkeep a kinky public blog, a twitter and network with numerous people as being a professional film bottom is my part time job as I put myself through college. Because of that I have a lot of friends where 90% of them are friend requests sent to me.
So before you send rude emails where you jump to conclusions because I didn't sent you an email immediately along with a friend invitation maybe you should rethink your online networking strategy or perhaps go fuck yourself.
The rude mother-fucker
His response: 
you didn't have time to show respect by writing first even though it says to do so? that is RUDE ! Not to mention that you responded back after I said not to, that just makes you STUPID also.
Do I care about it if you think I am a loner? NOT A DAM BIT!
Do I care about all the people who befriend you? why should I? your no one to me.
I don't care about you, your work or your friends, you seem to PUFF yourself up just to hear you talk about how great you are, in my book that makes you PATHETIC!
I don't care whether you like my pictures or not, think they are not real or not, and I don't care to share my pictures of myself with most of the LOSERS on fetlife. once someone has shown respect, trust and a willingness to be real, THEN and ONLY THEN do they get blessed with my photograph.
you got a rude responce because you are an IDIOT, your RUDE and have no concept of how to treat people, especially when they PLAINLY ask how they wish to be treated. My online networking strategy has been fine for everyone else but you, hmmm I wonder why that is??
At least it confirms my thought about you that you are rude, given your signature at the end of your last email, but I really didn't need to know that you fuck your mother! but it does make sence that you would.
I'm sure you'll get all pissy and write an even more rude email but you can be assured that if you do, I won't even bother to open it, your BULLSHIT isn't worth anymore of my time.
OH yes you have my permission to go fuck yourself aswell.
Because he says he wouldn't respond if I sent him a little email I left a comment on one of his fake pictures. Normally, I just disregard such emails and I rarely if ever get something so rude but this one just bothered me. My response to his email was purposely rude to fit his assumption of me. 
The most important rule to always remember is know who your talking to. Someone that has power over you in a situation is not smart to talk shit to. I have power because I just put him on blast on my blog and because I know a lot more people than he does. I also love how he called everyone else on fetlife who he is not friends with "losers". 
So always be aware of who you talk shit to and stop being so damn uptight. It's a social networking site for kinksters. If you just want to sit in your corner and not talk to anyone you mine as well not be on the site.


  1. I'm sorry that this person was such an ass....but I must say it did make for an amusing blog post. I get people like this all the time...except I usually get them writing to me and 'yelling' at me because I didn't respond to a comment that they made on one of my pictures. Um, yeah...I don't actually know if a comment was made on one of my pictures unless I am in the email that Fet sends notices of these things to AND my spam filter didn't give it the boot!

    I think Fet is a great site for networking...and nosing around. I guess like everywhere else you are going to have asshats. =(

  2. Thank you. I'm really not concerned about it. Like you, I found it more amusing than anything. Some people are just like this and it's their loss. He/She also happens to be one of those so called "dominants" who think everyone should bow down to them just because they like to be in control. I find people like that funny.

    Not everyone can love me, I have to piss some people off along the way. Otherwise what fun would like
