Saturday, July 26, 2014

Daddy's Girl

Day 10 of chastity, only 150 days to go.

Feminization is the topic of conversation today. She wants me to be as feminine as possible and that is something I also want. With that said, it's easier said than done because I do still live as a man at least part time. On top of that, I've dealt with gender questions all my life and when I'm giving the opportunity to be a girl I eat it up, but I've still been holding back a little bit because once I go there.... I got there.

Knowing how much She wants me as a very feminine girl and prefers me as such drives me to open up and go there with Her.

I came across Yeson Voice Feminization Surgery that is the best way to change one's voice into being more feminine. The doctor has won awards, is internationally recognized for this procedure and as I've done my research I've become interested. The procedure is called VOCAL FOLD SHORTENING and ADVANCEMENT OF ANTERIOR COMMISURE.

It's a safe procedure, I would have to travel to Korea and it only cost about $7,380.
I have difficulty talking in a higher tone and this is something I think my Owner would enjoy and would be a big step towards greater feminization.

Currently these are the rules of feminization.

1. Always wear panties (I've also begun to wear training & sport bras more often under clothes)
2. Always be dressed in women's attire while in the house (unless we have guests over)
3. Use women's deodorant
4. No body or facial hair
5. I believe I'm going to start wearing perfume
6. I'm regularly learning more and more ways to perfect my makeup

Additionally, I've been forced to perform blowjobs of a couple of men, I'm conditioned to give Daddy regular blowjobs and of course have my ass up for Her and trust me, I crave Her cock.

I also take on all the 'traditional' duties of the household.

1. I cook
2. I clean
3. I do the laundry
4. I take care of all household duties

Slowly updating it. Here is my Amazon wishlist - Keep me femme

This is a journey and one I'm looking forward to. I love being Her girl and I'm going to continue to take the steps to be just that.

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