Thursday I finished school and did great on all my tests. As soon as I was done with classes Bobcat picked me up and we headed to Scorched Nuts Burn which is a small scale BURNING MAN. It's only about 15 miles outside of Athens and Bobcat helps organize the entire event.
Bobcat has a themed tent which he calls Bubbles and Music. Thursday night not a many people are there being that it's the first day and people are setting up. Either way, the night rolled around rather quickly and his theme was going well. Serving vodka and gin martinis and I was sipping on the whiskey I brought as well. Someone had made homemade vodka and skittles and it wasn't half bad. There were scattered storms all around us but the rain stayed away for about 2 hours. About 11:30 all hell broke loose. There were a few issues. Lots of electricity for the black lights and music. Also Bobcats tent was an E-Z UP and it became and E-Z down as well. Huge winds came through out of no where. I bent down to put more ice in my drink from the cooler and as I did so a huge wind lifted many of the poles out of ground and one popped me right in my mouth. i dropped my drink and it was kind of surreal. No one knew what to do at first.
The tent caved in and we decided to cover the electronics but also ourselves with the tarp that fell. Some ran to their own tents as it down poured and then hailed for a few minutes. People were so wet people started getting naked. I stood under a tarp covering electronics in a huge thunderstorm with 10 others - 4 naked for 30 minutes. An experience to say the least.
Once it finally passed we realized Bobcats tent was destroyed. It looked like a tornado came through and destroyed a house. We didn't let that ruin the night though, more fun continued for a few more hours. Problem was both of our tents got flooded so Bobcat and his girl slept in the back of a U-Haul and I slept in the back seat of his car. Actually I slept there for 3 nights.
Friday people were building structures and doing art work. I was asked to paint one of the big statues that was going to be burnt down. I was given spray paint cans and couldn't resist. Not wanting to stain my clothes I stripped down to my boxer briefs. We maned the gate for about 5 hours that day as well. I started drinking at 10am and lasted till 1:30am, constant drinking and eating. I had my shirt off all day and knew I was burnt but didn't care. At least I have even tan lines.
Saturday was more of the same but bigger structures were built and more people arrived. Some people brought a huge banner/tarp probably about 25 feet wide and 50-75 feet long and turned it into a giant slip n slide. We needed it too cause it was hot as hell out. To slide on it, you had to be naked though. So about 30 of us got naked and slid on it for about an hour. I had always wanted to do that and loved every second of it. I did get a small headache though when I was a bowling ball taking down the pins and got struck in my head.
The burns on Saturday night were really cool. Just being able to watch a fire that big, be that close... it was fun. Sunday I got up around 9am and just started packing up. Oh, can't forget. Saturday night I fell to sleep on a big trampoline in a sphere next to this girl I had met. We had kissed a bit and she was fucked up on drugs and I was wasted. Probably around 4am I wake up to a guy fucking her while she's sleeping and I'm right next to her. I didn't know what was going on at first. Then he says to me, "do you mind?" I was like really.....!?! So I just stumbled to the backseat of the car and went back to sleep.
Sunday, all packed up and Bobcat can't find his keys to his car. So as I'm writing this his car is still there and I'm at home. Someone gave us a ride home and he had to go back today to clean up more anywhere so he left his car there until he could get a spare key today. He's such a smart guy... lol.
My overall reactions.....
I would give in a "C" grade.
1. I drink but I don't do drugs and it was just too much drug use for me. I don't mind being around it on an occasion but being around people on all kinds of drugs for 3 1/2 days became annoying for me. On top of that some people busted my balls for not doing drugs and after awhile that made me want to bust up their face.
2. Too many hippy type of people for me. I have made friends who are all kinds of people but the over the top niceness, care free-dead beat attitude over the course of a few days was just like C'mon. With that also came a lack of relating and having common ground. Most my interests are not theres and vise versa. I also hated how 80% of everyone smoked cigarettes.
3. So there were some people there into kink and bondage. Most these people were regulars at Burns and knew each other. Whenever I tried to give an input on an idea or suggestion they would say shit like, I know what I'm doing, I doubt you do. I got a lot of that and it was just simple kink talk. To be honest I felt like beating their ass because 1 I know a lot more than you. 2 I'm a lot more active in kink than you and 3 I don't walk around boasting about myself so some dumbass amateur shouldn't be either.
Yes, I may not be in a kilt, hippy clothes, gothic nor did I bring a bunch of toys with me but come into "my world" and I'd show you up any day. Next time I'm taking a single tail with me.
I did get recognized by one person though. Sukibound on fetlife. She was at a symposium we put on at The Studio Chicago 2 years ago. She was cool and I did meet some great people as well. The gay guys loved me... like usual lol. There were some other really cool people and that's why I did have a good time. I give the event a C because I had a few not so good encounters with a few people and there were too many drugs for me. Non-the less I had fun.
Here is a picture of my sunburnt skin. - I'm also heading to Chicago this weekend and plan on being at the Bondage Night Chicago party 11pm-4am.
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